Transactions (取引)

Outside of the fact that the US is a card-dependent economy rather than cash-based, one of the other main differences you will encounter upon arriving to the US is the culture of tipping. From the people handling your luggage, to taxi drivers, to hairdressers, generally people who are providing you a personal service will expect a tip. In the US, at least, people who work in service-related fields typically do not make much per hour, so they depend more on gratuities. In general, tips are expected when eating out, getting food delivered, receiving a haircut, or when using a taxi or rideshare.
Some things to remember:
- Airport shuttle: $1 per person + $1/$2 for each bag
- If going out drinking: tipping 20% of the final bill is considered average (even if you were drinking non-alcoholic beverages)
- Getting takeout: 15%, Eating at a restaurant: 20%, no tips necessary for fast food places
- Getting Coffee: $1
- If a company is helping move in furniture: $10 per mover, or $20 per mover if the service requires a full day. No tipping necessary for delivery.
- Getting hair or nails done: a 15% tip is the average rate.
- Typically, it’s customary to not write the tip amount on the check, and just provide your tip in cash
Greetings (挨拶)

Unlike Japan, people in the US greet each other not with bows, but with a “Hi!” and a wave. Depending on the relationship, some people hug. For many men, introductions are made with a firm handshake. Depending on the person, some people will take a weak or limp handshake as rude.
Garbage (ゴミ)

The US is rather simple when it comes to garbage. First, garbage cans can be found basically anywhere, with some places providing separate bins for recyclable and non-recyclable trash.
In addition, when it comes to recycling at one’s home or apartment, garbage is basically only divided into trash, recyclables (many areas discourage rinsing items in order to save water), and green waste (branches, leaves, etc.), although certain cities and communities may differ. For bigger items (such as sofas) a pick-up may need to be scheduled. Further information can be found on each respective area’s government website.
Smoking (喫煙)

Smoking cigarettes or tobacco products is basically forbidden in public and private locations, and even smoking outside of a building or on the street could result in a fine or, at the least, very rude stares. Depending on the city or country though, laws can be more lenient. However, smoking cigarettes is not very common these days, so it’s better to stay on the safe side and only smoke in designated areas.
Alcohol (飲酒)

Other than being careful to follow obvious liquor laws like being of legal drinking age and being mindful not to drink and drive, public intoxication is also something that can carry a hefty punishment. The average penalty in the US for being drunk in public can result in 30 to 60 days jail time and a $1000 fine, depending on the state’s law. Even simply having an open container in public can result in a fine, so please be careful!
Conversation (会話)

Do (すべきこと)
- Always say “Please” and “Thank you”.
- Always say “Excuse me” when causing an inconvenience.
- Keep your voice down.
- Always let other people talk and give them time to finish their response.
- Since English is not a language that really uses honorifics, peers go by their first names only, while professors and other superiors go by their title unless otherwise noted.
Don’t (してはいけないこと)
- Talk about politics or religion unless you really trust that the people you are around are comfortable with that.
- In Japanese culture, responding with “うん,うん” while someone else is talking is typically done to show that one is actively listening, but in Western culture this can be seen as interrupting the other person while they speak.
- Whether or not you are stating facts, complaining or criticizing the local government or culture can invite trouble.
- Comment on other people’s appearance or touch them without their consent.
- Talk about one’s own wealth or ask about other people’s income.
- If a store employee tries to talk to you, do not try to have a personal conversation with them. Small talk is very common in the US and is only meant to be polite.
- Ask about someone’s nationality, ethnicity, or sexuality. If someone wants to share personal information with you they will tell you.
General Consideration (一般的な検討事項)

- Open doors for people. Also, if you are entering through somewhere and let the door close on the person behind you, this can be seen as very rude.
- If someone is struggling with something troublesome or heavy, offer to help.
- If you are using a shopping cart, return it to its original location when you’re done using it.
- Try to avoid talking on the phone in public.
- When walking on the sidewalk, people do not adhere to walking rules as much as those in Japan. Therefore, a basic rule is just to move out of the way if someone is walking towards you.
- Making extended eye contact with strangers is generally considered NG. Obviously a brief glance can be unavoidable, but a prolonged stare can be misinterpreted in many ways.
- Do not walk around staring at your phone. Not only does it make it more possible to bump into strangers (which could result in a fight), but it can make you a target for theft.
- If you absolutely have to use a public bathroom, make sure to have a handkerchief with you.
Conclusion (まとめ)
Whenever you are unsure about something, it never hurts to ask. A simple, “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what I should do in this situation. Could you please help me?” will let others know that you have the best of intentions. It’s important to know, however, that not everyone has the time or patience to help others, so please try not to feel hurt if such a situation occurs.
A lot of how we communicate relies on not only how well we are verbally understood, but also how our actions are interpreted. While this list is not extensive, it should help free your everyday life of any initial anxiety so that you can focus on the more important parts of your stay.
いかがでしたか? 日本での過ごし方との共通点が多かったですね。どの国でも相手を思いやる、不快にさせないといった最低限のマナーやルールは同じようです。留学生活に向けての不安がこちらの記事で少しでも解消されれば幸いです!楽しく実りある留学生活を送りましょう。