「オンライン英会話ベストティーチャー」には、英語圏と非英語圏を合わせ、世界60ヵ国以上の講師が在籍しており、英語を学ぶとともに世界中の文化や人々と繋がることができます。 今回は、ベストティーチャーで活躍するクロアチア出身のオンライン英会話講師に、以下のことについて、自身の経験を交えてお話ししていただきました。

クロアチア出身のSime Martinov講師です。過去には小学校で英語の先生をしていた経験があります。難しい単語やフレーズを一つ一つ細かく説明してくれるので、初心者から上級者までレベルに合わせて対応できる先生です。
Hello! My name is Sho Tanaka. You can call me Tanasho.(はじめまして!俺の名前は田中翔。たなしょうって呼んでくれ。)
Hello, my name is Betty. What is your name, and could you briefly tell us about yourself? (はじめまして、私はベッティ。まずは、簡単な自己紹介をお願いしてもいいかしら。)
Hi, my name is Šime (yes, that is spelled with the weird thingy above the letter S, but it is pronounced “shee-me”).
I come from Croatia and I have been teaching English online for a little bit over three years. I graduated from a university in my hometown, Zadar, with a degree in English language several years ago and I spent some time teaching in local schools here.


Mr. Martinov, may I ask you what inspired you to be a teacher at Best Teacher? (ベストティーチャーで働こうと思ったきっかけは何ですか。)
Yes, of course! One of my friends mentioned Best Teacher during one of our coffee breaks and I applied for it. I had never really taught online before that or had any substantial experience with Japanese students, so I thought it would be interesting to try it out.
*substantial experience=充分な経験
I would like to ask you what you keep in mind during lessons as an online English teacher in order to improve students’ English skills?(オンラインで英会話レッスンをする際に意識していることや日本人生徒の英語力上達のために心がけていることはなんですか。)
When I began teaching here at Best Teacher I wasn’t very good, to be honest. I had this idea that I should stick with the specific topics that students mentioned in their lesson scripts and not talk about anything else. However, I realized that many of those topics were limiting the students because they couldn’t express themselves naturally or they were too shy to mention anything outside of the grammar-specific tasks.
Could you give us an example from your teaching experience? (何かレッスンでのエピソードはありますか。)
I still remember this one lesson I had with a young Japanese hotel worker. I kept asking her about meetings and schedules. I could feel that I was boring her with these formal questions and repetitive topics, but I didn’t dare to ask about anything outside the reserved topic. Naturally, she never booked a lesson with me again.
*boring (someone)=(誰かを)つまらなくさせる
*repetitive = 繰り返しの
実際その後、その生徒が先生のレッスンを予約することはなかったのね。。。Could you tell us how did you overcome it? (どのようにその状況を乗り越えましたか。)
I realized I needed to change my method. I would get a notebook and prepare several hours in advance. I would write down the topics that were relevant for their lessons, but I would also think about any other topics and vocabulary loosely connected with their scripts. I started asking students if they wanted to practice grammar or talk about something else.
*loosely connected=大まかに関連のある
生徒とのレッスン前の事前準備として、レッスンのお題に関わるトピックや単語などを考えてノートに書き出すことを始めたのね。Have you got good responses from your students?(レッスンスタイルを変えることで良い反響はありましたか。)
Soon I was able to have a much more natural discussion with them and gain a lot of insight into their hobbies, interests etc. Then, I would use those topics to practice pronunciation and grammar, basically “hiding” the teaching formalities behind casual discussions. It turned out that worked very well and both my students and I started to get more comfortable. I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged when I started getting positive messages from students and monthly awards for teaching. I realized that this friendly and light approach worked much better.

Here is your last question. Do you think students’ attitudes during lessons will affect their learning and development, and if so, how? (レッスン中の生徒の勉強に対する姿勢は英語力上達に関わっていると思いますか。)
Yes, definitely! Especially when you consider that there are essentially two types of students out there: the ones who take English lessons on their own, as a sort of a hobby or their personal improvement; and the ones who take these lessons as a part of their job competency or school activity. The former group is usually more proactive, they opt for random topics and are often happy to have a speaking lesson. The latter group seems to focus more on formal topics and writing lessons, and they are often reserved when it comes to speaking lessons.
*job competency=仕事能力
*opt for=〜を選ぶ/選択する
Finally, do you have a message for your students?(最後に、何か生徒に伝えたいことはありますか。)
Don’t be shy! Feel free to ask your teacher about anything and express yourself as much as you can. I am sure you will not only improve your English but also meet some great people online, whether teachers or other students.
Alright. This is the end of the interview, and thank you very much for your time, today. We wish you the very best. (今回はこれで終わりです。お時間いただきありがとうございました。これからも頑張ってくださいね!)
最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました。オンライン英会話ベストティーチャーで英語講師として活躍しているSime Martinov講師にお話しを伺いました。オンライン英会話で日本人に英語を教える時は生徒の意見に寄り添い、生徒一人ひとりに合ったレッスンができるように心がけているそうです。